Wednesday, October 15, 2008

News from 2007

We now have an information page for the Cape Fear Trail Riders Horse Show Series . You may go to this page and print out the show flyers for 2007, the entry forms, and the patterns for all the pattern classes.

We have finished a new page called

2007 December - *** 2 Dec - Pics of Tally w/ both Paula & Madira.

***8 Dec - Sierra goes to both the Broadway and Lillington Christmas Parades with the WHJROTC. *** Skye & Madira go to Myrtle Beach with the Cape Fear Trail Riders for the Christmas Opry and some shopping. *** Madira finishes her first project - her purse, now called the "Mary Poppins" purse. *** Madira finishes her 2nd sewing project - a pair of sleep pants. *** 22 Dec - Dad joins us for Christmas - taking a bus from Temple, TX going to Ohio to visit his mom and then arriving in Durham, NC on Saturday . He then calls Melissa and asks her to join us for Christmas - she leaves Dallas, TX on Sunday and meets us for Christmas Eve (Monday) dinner at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Sanford - WOW!! *** 25 Dec - A very nice Christmas with most family right here in NC. Larry cooked our main dinner, then the girls and I rode over to Gail's home - riding "Jazzy", "Pretty Girl" & "Tally". ***26 Dec - Is spent with Grandpa, Paula, Melissa and Skye car shopping. *** Thursday 27 Dec - The last day spent with family as Grandpa Jones & Melissa are leaving in the evening. Our "new" Kia Sportage gets to come home. Paula riding "Tally", Madira riding "Pretty Girl", Sierra riding "Jazzy", Gail & "Loverboy", Shem & "Masquerade" make a loop around the pond and out to Leaflet Circle Rd to MdDougald Rd and home. *** Friday 28 Dec - Hay is purchased at Double L and picked up for us by Gail when she goes to the feed store. *** Saturday 29 Dec - Gail rides "Loverboy" & Nicole rides "Masquerade" and we do a loop a lot closer to home - around the pond from Spring Hill Church Rd, then AC Morrison Loop to McDougald Rd back to our place. *** When we return from our ride, I take Gail to Twin Oaks to take a look around and to meet JT Woods. It's decided that we have to come back, she hadn't realized that that set up was available. *** Sunday 30 Dec - When Karen isn't feeling well, Gail decides she can run down to Whitehaven Plantation w/ me to pick up Star. She meets with Mark Harris & we find out about an upcoming clinic. The rain stopped for part of the time we were at the farm. Star spent the night in the roundpen upon arriving back home. *** Monday 31 Dec - Star seems to have settled in just fine. After feeding she's loose with Rythem, Magic and Iggy. We load up and get out to Twin Oaks in the afternoon. What a wonderful ride! Sierra/Jazzy, 'Dira/PG, Paula/Tally & Ashley rode Star. You'd never have known that Star has had lots of time (7 months with only a couple of rides) off. Gail rode Loverboy. ***

2007 November *** 30 Nov - Chaunter gets to go out for 30 minutes at a time in the pasture. *** 26 Nov - Chaunter has graduated to going out in the pasture for about 20 minutes with Coastal hay, then back to grass paddock w/ stall by herself. *** With Steve & Gail, Shem, Larry, Skye & Sierra working - several hay feeders are designed and built. *** Thanksgiving is spent at Gail's house w/ soldiers from her unit joining us. Very nice. *** "Pretty Girl" is in season and is bred on Sunday the 18th (had an audience!), and Tuesday the 20th to "AJ". We will see. *** We work to clean pastures, rake & pickup leaves, clean carport with the help of a couple of neighborhood kids and JROTC cadets - Nicole, William, Anthony, & Shem. *** 13 Nov - Chaunter gets her first "real feeding" since the "choke". ***12 Nov - Monday - A small group of the Western Harnett JROTC participate in the Veterans' Day Memorial done in Lillington w/ 3 Jeeps. ***11 Sun - Chaunter "isn't right". A discussion w/ vet via phone leads to taking her down to North Star Equine Vet Clinic. 4 hours of work break the blockage at the junction of the esophagus/stomach. Poor girl - no feed for 48 hours then restart feeding VERY SLOWLY. ***10 Nov - The Western Harnett JROTC participate in the Raleigh Veterans' Day Parade and the Fayetteville Veterans' Day Parade. *** Nov 2 - Darryl Taylor works on Justan's hoof (Karen's arabian gelding) at our place. It's decided that he doesn't need to go to vet hospital - he gets front of hoof opened and a supportive shoe w/ a "special pad" mixed and squirted into the hoof.

2007 October -- The Western Harnett JROTC go to Pope AFB for the last Airshow before it closes. The Cadets start out the dancing during the hanger dance. *** Sierra signs up & Madira given the "OK" to go to dance practice with the JROTC at Pope AFB (2 wednesdays before the Air Show). *** Madira has play (The Devil You Say) practice daily & Sierra has drill team 3 x weekly. *** Madira celebrates her 15th Birthday & I find out that my cake decorating skills need lots of help. *** On Oct 1, Chaunter is ultra-sounded in foal. *** Hay, Hay is HARD to FIND ***

2007 September - *** Western Harnett JROTC hosts a training Raiders challenge. ***

2007 August - *** Cricket's web page is set up. *** Cricket went to the Arabian Horse Association, Region 12 Youth Jamboree w/ Whitehaven Plantation and was handled during clinics and at the open show by Jennifer. They did great and had a good time.

*** Monkey & Madira finish & graduate on Aug 20th from the Beginner Obedience Class at Bon-Clyde Training Center in Sanford, NC. They've done very well & what a difference in "the pup". He's not a perfect dog yet, and as always very aloof, but he's getting there. He's gained 2.5 lbs since his other ER visit. *** Sierra celebrates her 14th birthday on the 20th (goodness - has it really been that long?). *** School starts on 27 Aug - All 3 are now at Western Harnett High School. *** Sierra has class in

JROTC . ***Skye has a Computer Graphics course thru CCCC. *** Madira is now in the apparel design class that she'd wanted. ***

2007 July - We celebrated July 4th w/ Sandy & Robert w/ grandkids - Brogan, Sage & Aspen; Cindy & Lindsey and visited w/ Vicky & Ashley and Colton. Nice cookout, swimming for the kids and then to check out the Lillington Celebration. Back at Cindy's place on Buffaloe Lake garnered a wonderful (& LONG) fireworks display right out on their neighbors' dock. *** Saturday, the 8th, we FINALLY officially moved two pastures & hung the gates (one of which had never been hung in the last 3 years!). Now, we have to pull the t-posts that are still 3 ft in the ground on the old fencelines so that we can continue our fencing endeavors. UGH. *** "Monkey"'s left eye is swollen shut and weepy. A quick check at vet clinic - he has "puppy pinkeye" w/ no idea how he contracted it. He's measured at 25 lbs now (remember, he started at just 6 lbs). *** Spent 3 days driving up to the NC State 4H Horse show w/ Madira. Madira is excited and has set her goals for campaining both Pretty Girl and Karen Eaker's Arabian mare, Tally, towards the State 4H qualifications in 2008. *** Watched Vixen compete in two of her classes on Saturday. WOW! She has become the most consistant of ponies!! What a thrill. Though Liz & Vixen didn't place in their flat classes, they put in an awesome performance. I missed them go in jumping classes on Thursday well into early Friday. I was able to get some video footage outside during warm-up, then new batteries on camera died... Waiting for a disk of photos of her. *** 16 Jul - "Monkey" & 'Dira start beginner dog obedience classes.He is over his "puppy pinkeye" episode. *** "Cricket" is going to Region 12 Youth Jamboree with a student from Whitehaven Plantation riding with Trisha Blackwell. "Cricket" doesn't have a page yet on our website. ***

2007 June - *** Sat the 2nd, Darryl called - "Chaunter is 13 days pregnant"... we'll check again at 30 days then she can come home. Sat afternoon - Tropical Depression "Barry" sweeps in quietly - so wonderful as we need the rain. ***Thinking that the storm will be terrible, most of our regulars don't show up for CFTR's horse show on Sunday. It was a beautiful day for the "whopping" 75 entries we had. *** June 17th, Chaunter came back home. The girls' swear she's rounder (yea, like we can tell already?!!?). *** Pictures of the dogs after a touch of rain...

*** The balance of June is spent putting in wooden corner fence posts and bracers to make our hi-tensile fences easier to tighten and keep right. We'd been using the Wedge-loc system for corner posts using T-posts & while I'd seen it work for others, it wasn't working for us. THIS IS MAJOR WORK! The girls and I take turns digging holes 3 ft deep for the posts (ok, I did most of the digging...) & then they are cemented in. *** The last week of June, while I'm off from work, we get 17 "H" braces pinned and tightened in. *** Pics of LP Painted Vixenation, who is leased by Elizabeth Mayo & family from Barbara of Greenville NC, at the Wake County 4H horse show.

2007 May - *** The Wizard of Oz was executed and was a great play. The girls' are tired and happy that they are returning to a regular schedule. ***EXCITEMENT! "Magic", sold 7 years ago, has rejoined the LP Painted Ponys herd. She was picked up on Sunday May 6th. She's very overweight, but otherwise she's looking great. She is scheduled to be bred to "Iggy" when she comes into heat. *** Blizzard goes to Whitehaven Plantation for one family to try out and goes to a different family - for life. *** We are waiting to hear back on Chaunter's & Magic's pregnancies! *** The call comes in for more ponies "like Blizzard". So on Memorial Day weekend, Cricket & Star are taken down to Whitehaven Plantation. The lessons scheduled for both 'Dira and Sierra are on hold as Trisha is very ill. But while being video taped by local rider, Madira's riding is noted and she receives an offer to ride Masterpiece - an accomplished dressage horse with his owner Ken... Sentimental mom, cried. We stayed in "posh" arrangements as Karen's family joined us and we split up between tents and the RV for one overnight! Karen's family, Sierra and Ashley go out for a trail ride before we pack up to head home. ***

2007 April - The Cape Fear Trail Riders show seems smaller this April - w/ Paula & Skye volunteering. *** Sierra & Madira are at a 4H Teen Retreat for the weekend. *** Paula, Madira & Sierra make the drive to Merkel, TX over Spring Break leaving Sunday April 8th. We checked in at WhiteHaven Plantation & gave PG and Xena carrots then continued, arriving in Merkel on Tuesday afternoon. A great visit with Kim & a trailer/truck repair by her hubby, Ted. Up on Wednesday to feed, go over particulars on "IC" for her and "Iggy" for us and ideas for June get together. Then on the road to Temple, TX to see Grandpa Buck (Paula's dad). A gas leak discovered in his apartment and we take him around to visit a freind w/ "Iggy" & "Monkey" and folks are delited by the "dog & pony show". On Friday, after breakfast, goodbyes are in order and we hit the road up & over to Woodville, TX for lunch and a break as Paula is not feeling well. On to Warren, where we wait to meet up w/ Sherry Foxworth at her Pony Farm. VERY NICE ponies and a fun conversation between Sierra and Sherry that has Sierra learning to etch on model horses. We make it that evening to Lufkin, TX - where I'm floored w/ severe allergies and have managed to miss the pharmacy where I can get what I need. Saturday morning dawns w/ news that Dallas/Ft Worth was hit by a tornado and that the storm isn't far ahead of us - going the same direction. Not good news! We make it to Tuscaloosa, AL for Saturday night - but it's a rough night for both Sierra and Paula. Sunday is a bad haul - no OTC meds releive the allergy symptoms and our supply of original Sudaphed is gone. Coughing & blinding headache are the order of the day - along w/ buffetting wind gusts from every direction. YUCK. We managed to get to White Haven right before dark in Bishopville, SC and pick up Madira's mare - Pretty Girl. As we hit the road, we catch the rest of the bad weather hard rain, more wind and lightning that slows us down to a crawl. BUT we make it home by 11 pm on Sunday April 15th, and get the ponies settled in and the girls' in bed. *** Skye "held the fort" at home, taking care of everyone and catching up w/ a friend who came up to stay w/ her. *** Debra Branson competed at the Southern Pines CDE on the 14th & 15th. She was driving Lacey paired w/ her Hackney mare. Here are some pics:

*** We missed the Cape Fear Trail Riders ride while getting several loads of hay. *** Madira has her 1st "movie" date (she'll be thrilled to read this!) w/ a fellow 4Her met at the Teen Retreat. *** "Rowdy" Yates Maxasta's Kennels of Perry GA, travels to Hickory to pick up weight pull equipment for show. He comes to the Youngs & we meet him there for him to look over "Monkey". He claims "He's a good looking pup"... *** Most of the end of April was spent w/ Paula in/out of dr appointments & getting an infected tooth pulled... BUT "Iggy" has started his driving training by ground driving and Sierra is working w/ "AJ" for driving. Madira has started riding "Pretty Girl" now that she's returned home. Skye has spent oodles of time with homework, SATprep, college prep and really hasn't ridden. She does chores, and actually sees the ponies, but that's been about it. ***

2007 March - Skye attends the Prom with her boyfriend, Justin Heyges.

***The Horsemasters went to the Horse Bowl State Competition in Greensboro, NC. They did a great job and though they did their best - they didn't make the final cut. ***The new 4H club is now called the Harnett County Yeehaws. There is a lot of varied interests - but the main projects appear to be - dog, electricity, horse, rabbits & leadership. ***Paula, Madira & Sierra haul 4 ponies/horses (Chaunter, IC, Justin, Tally) to the Moss Foundation to ride with the Cape Fear Trail Riders. ***Chaunter goes to Dr. Dean's farm in Parkton, NC w/ Darrel Taylor to be bred in a 3 way partnership to

ML Mostly Padron. *** 'Kenzie Hinton & Apache compete at the Old Mill Farm CT Show in Lexington, NC placing 4th in dressage but dq'd in jumping when he took exception to gaudily decorated jumps (sigh)!! Then they schooled w/ their trainer over cross country jumps. WAY TO GO for a GREAT START! WOO - HOO Kenzie & Apache! (New pics in scrapbook ) *** Skye turns 17 this month (and I'm feeling old!!).

2007 February - Sierra is competing with the Harnett County Horse Masters in the Horse Bowl. *** We started a new 4H club w/ 11 members in western Harnett county. Lynn Lambert and Sharon arrived to watch over our first meeting. The clubs first meeting met w/ Skye, Sierra (honorary)& Madira Hoffman; Colton & Ashley Graff; Sage, Aspen & Brogan; David, Ruth, Hannah & Heather. Vicky Graff, Paula Hoffman, Celeste & Sandra Tull were the adults present. *** Sierra has been elected in the Horsemasters group - therefore she can't be an active member of the new club. *** "Monkey" - a male Finnish Spitz puppy comes home w/ Madira from the UKC Dog Show in Perry, GA. This puppy that is expected to mature between 30 & 35 lbs is only 6 lbs right now. ***

*** The above photos are of Madira showing both "JuJu" and "Max" for Richard "Rowdy" Yates at the UKC Dog Show in Perry, Georgia the weekend of February 16 - 18, 2007. These photos were taken by Tim Young and Rachael - Rowdy's daughter. ***

2007 January - The girls have finished their record books for 2006 and are making plans for their current 4H year. Sierra is still going to do horse project, Madira is now showing dogs for other people and would like to do a dog project and Skye is doing several things. *** We are working on starting a new 4H club locally - which Skye will be doing most of the work on. ***

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